Data sharing

Access to OeNB Euro Survey data

Sharing OeNB Euro Survey data for external research projects is subject to specific conditions and follows a well-established procedure.

This procedure depends on whether you are interested in OeNB Euro Survey results that have already been processed and published by the OeNB on its website (option 1) or whether you wish to use OeNB Euro Survey raw data for your own research project (option 2).

For option 1, please access selected main results of the OeNB Euro Survey by clicking here. You can download graphs and underlying data as CSV files via the context menu of the respective charts.

For option 2, please proceed as follows:

Data access – formal requirements

The following explains how you gain access to Euro Survey data for your research project.

  • To begin with, please read and sign the confidentiality agreement/terms of use. The terms of use list the specific conditions and restrictions under which the OeNB grants access to OeNB Euro Survey data.

    Terms of use for OeNB Euro Survey data (DOCX, 0 MB)
  • Then, submit a research outline containing the following information:
    • the main research questions and motivation behind the planned research project for which you would like to use the requested OeNB Euro Survey data
    • a tentative time schedule for the research project and
    • the countries and survey waves you would like to use

Research Outline (DOCS, 0 MB)

  • Please send both documents to for evaluation.
  • If the OeNB approves the research project, it will provide a download link to your dataset.

Available data

Most OeNB Euro Survey data may be shared for external research projects, and data from all survey waves except the most recent wave can be made available. Data from the penultimate wave are made available upon request once the data quality check of the most recent wave is finalized (usually from May onward, i.e. wave 2020 is available from May 2022 onward). A few data series are available only after three years owing to ongoing in-house research projects, while a few data series are not available for reasons of confidentiality.

To gain a better overview of the available OeNB Euro Survey data, you can download below all questionnaires and a table linking the individual questions to the relevant survey periods.

Please note that the OeNB Euro Survey questionnaires (PDF) and the corresponding list in table format (Excel) are protected by copyright and that the OeNB reserves all rights in this context.

Research cooperation

In addition to providing data for external research projects, the OeNB is also open to research cooperations between in-house economists and external researchers on research projects of mutual interest, provided that the OeNB has sufficient in-house capacities to join such common research efforts.