title Tourism, total overnight stays
region Austria
unit Unit in title
unit mult (smallest available) 1000
comment The data are collected by about 1,500 local authorities (2/3 of AustriaĊ½s local authories) which record more than 3,000 overnight stays per year, cutoff date: the middle of the following month. Tourism captures the activities of persons traveling to and staying in locations where they are not resident for not more than two consecutive months for leisure, business and other purposes.
classification not available
breaks Up until 1967, overnight stays at campgrounds and other budget/group accommodations were recorded in bulk and not broken down by residents and nonresidents. Therefore, the sum total exceeds the total of figures on residents and on nonresidents for that period.
frequency month
data available from 1958 - 2023
Nov. 58 - Feb. 24 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2024-04-05 16:11:26
Source Statistics Austria
lag 2 month
release calendar ...
March 2024 preliminary