title Current account balance as a percentage of GDP, EU-28
region EU 28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013
unit Percent
unit mult (smallest available) 1
comment In the current account are covered all transactions (other than those in financial items) that involve economic values and occur between resident and non-resident units. It is divided into four basic components: goods, services, income and current transfers. Time of recording: in line with the BPM5, recording is on a transaction basis (accruals principle), meaning that transactions have to be recorded when economic value is created, transformed, transferred or extinguished. The main criteria is change of ownership. The change may be legal or economic. Valuation: in principle, market prices are used.
classification Balance of Payments Manual (BOP5)
frequency years
data available from 1995 - 2025 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2023-11-15 17:56:03
Source OeNB
lag 3 month
release calendar ...
May 2024
2024 - 2025 preliminary