title Portfolio investment - assets - equity securities and investment fund shares
region Austria
unit Euro
unit mult (smallest available) Million
comment Portfolio investments - foreign equity and investment fund shares (nonresident issuer/debtor) held by Austrian investors. Equity and investment fund shares comprise listed and unlisted equity securities and mutual fund shares. Excluded are all securities classified as direct investments and financial derivatives. Portfolio Investment are valued at market prices. Balance of payments (flows): positive balance: capital outflow/export. Negative balance: capital inflow/import. Net changes in stocks regarding the international investment position (IIP) might be caused by transactions, valuation effects (price- and exchange rate effects) and reclassifications.
classification Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6)
frequency quarterly
data available from 1995 - 2023
Q1 99 - Q4 23 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2024-03-29 08:34:05
Source OeNB
lag 3 month
release calendar ...
at the latest 28.06.2024
1. Quarter 2024