title Short and Long Positions in Forward Transactions
region not available
unit Euro
unit mult (smallest available) Million
comment This indicator shows the balance of forward transactions of the monetary authority. Forward transactions include forward contracts, futures, swaps and all other financial derivatives denominated in foreign currency vis-à-vis the euro that are based on capital products (e.g. foreign exchange assets, securities) or on interest rate instruments. Forward transactions do not include options. There are three different residual maturities: up to one month, over one month and up to three months, over three months and up to one year. It is insignificant whether the counterparty is a resident or a nonresident and whether the counterparty is headquartered in the euro area or not. Valuation is at nominal values.
classification not available
frequency month
data available from Dec. 99 - Mar. 24 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2024-04-16 11:01:20
Source ECB
release calendar
as available