title Remaining liabilities
region Austria
unit Euro
unit mult (smallest available) 1
comment This is the residual item on the liabilities side of the balance sheet, defined as ‘liabilities not included elsewhere’. NCBs may require the reporting of specific sub-positions included in this category. Remaining liabilities may include: — amounts payable not related to the IC's main business, i.e. amounts due to suppliers, tax, wages, social contributions, etc., — provisions representing liabilities against third parties, i.e. pensions, dividends, etc., — net positions arising from securities lending without cash collateral, — net amounts payable in respect of future settlements of transactions in securities.
classification not available
frequency quarterly
data available from Q3 16 - Q4 23 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2024-02-29 15:26:03
Source OeNB
release calendar ...
Week 23/2024
1. Quarter 2024