title PHH a NPISH: Social contributions, paid current prices
region Austria
unit Euro
unit mult (smallest available) Million
comment Social contributions (D.61)
Actual social contributions (D.611)
Actual social contributions include:
a) employers’ actual social contributions (D.6111). Employers’ actual social contributions are paid by employers to social security funds, insurance enterprises or autonomous as well as nonautonomous pension funds administering social insurance schemes to secure social benefits for their employees. b) employees’ social contributions (D.6112): these are social contributions payable by employees to social security, private funded and unfunded schemes. c) social contributions by self-employed and non-employed persons (D.6113).
Imputed social contributions (D.612)
Imputed social contributions (D.612) represent the counterpart to social benefits (less eventual employees’ social contributions) paid directly by employers (i.e. not linked to employers’ actual contributions) to their employees or former employees and other eligible persons. They correspond to flow D.122. Their value should, in principle, be based on actuarial considerations.
classification ESA 2010
data available from Q4 99 - Q3 23 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2024-01-02 17:14:52
Source Statistics Austria, WIFO
lag 1 month
release calendar
1. Quarter 2024 preliminary