title Outward DI excl. SPEs and real estate: equity
region Austria
unit Euro
unit mult (smallest available) Million
comment Flows:
This item covers equity transactions related to Austrian direct investment abroad. These include greenfield investments, mergers and acquisitions, the purchase and sale of shares, and capital injections, including reinvested earnings. The acquisition and sale of real estate abroad and activities of special purpose entities (SPEs), i.e. foreign-controlled subholdings without significant economic activity in Austria, are excluded. Positive values: Increase in equity in outward direct investment.

End-of-period value of Austrian direct investment in equity abroad. Equity consists of voting capital, reserves, profits/losses brought forward and the profit of the reporting year. In rare cases equity may become negative. Real estate abroad and activities of special purpose entities (SPEs), i.e. foreign-controlled subholdings without significant economic activity in Austria, are excluded.
classification Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6)
frequency quarterly
data available from 1995 - 2023
Q1 99 - Q4 23 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2024-03-31 07:03:55
Source OeNB
lag 3 month
release calendar ...
at the latest 28.06.2024
1. Quarter 2024