title General government debt as a percentage of GDP, Hungary
region Hungary
unit Percent
unit mult (smallest available) 1
comment The general government sector comprises the sub-sectors of central government, state government, local government, and social security funds. GDP used as a denominator is the gross domestic product at current market prices. Debt is valued at nominal (face) value, and foreign currency debt is converted into national currency using end-year market exchange rates (though special rules apply to contracts). The national data for the general government sector are consolidated between the sub-sectors. Basic data are expressed in national currency, converted into euro using end-year exchange rates for the euro provided by the European Central Bank. Data are compiled on an accrual basis.
classification COFOG
frequency years
data available from 1995 - 2025 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2023-11-15 17:59:07
Source AMECO
lag 3 month
release calendar ...
May 2024
2024 - 2025 preliminary