title PPI 21 - Producer price index production, total market, 2021=100
region Austria
unit Index
unit mult (smallest available) 1
comment The data of approximately 1,000 product groups are collected from around 1,400 Austrian companies on a monthly basis. The producer price index (PPI) is based on the actual selling prices and the price-determining features of products sold in the domestic and external markets. The PPI is calculated according to the Laspeyres chain index method by which every price recorded for a product is directly related to its price in the base period (averages of price relatives method). The resulting figures are used to calculate the geometric average for each product group, and the averages are then aggregated using the respective product weights. The output sold according to short-term economic statistics (domestic weighting) and external trade statistics (external weighting) represent the basis for the weighting.The weighting is updated annually, thus rebasing the current Laspeyres index to December (month of chaining) of the previous year. Basis 2021=100 is linked to basis 2015=100, to basis 2010 and to the basis 2005 (both real price indices) and to the hybrid index (basis 2000) by OeNB.
classification Nace (or Austrian Statistical Classification of Economic Activities ÖNACE)
breaks On changing from the hybrid index to the real price index (from December 2005 to January 2006), some sectors show breaks in the rate of change, as the two indices are based on different calculation models.
frequency month
data available from 2000 - 2023
Jan. 00 - Feb. 24 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2024-04-05 13:19:44
Source Statistics Austria
lag 2 month
release calendar
as available