title Producer Price, Japan
region Japan
unit Percent
unit mult (smallest available) 1
comment The total output price index (or producer price index, 2000=100) for an economic activity measures the average price development of all goods and related services resulting from that activity and sold on the domestic market. The domestic output price index is a business cycle indicator showing the monthly development of transaction prices of economic activities. It can be an early indicator of inflationary pressures in the economy, but it also records the evolution of prices over longer periods of time. The domestic market is defined as customers resident in the same national territory as the observation unit.
classification COICOP
frequency month
data available from 1990 - 2023
Jan. 90 - Feb. 24 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2024-04-08 12:01:59
Source Thomson Reuters
lag 3 week(s)
release calendar ...
March 2024