title Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.
region Austria
unit Euro
unit mult (smallest available) Million
comment This item refers to receipts and payments for the authorized use of patents, licenses and trademarks. Included are artistic and literary copyrights and software license fees. Not included is the purchase/sale of such rights. Credits refer to Austria´s exports (receipts from nonresidents) and debits to Austria´s imports (payments to nonresidents). Transactions are valued at market prices. Balance with a + sign: surplus. Balance with a - sign: deficit.
classification Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6)
frequency years
data available from 2006 - 2019 (The indicated data availability refers to the longest available time series irrespective of its duration.)
last update 2022-04-07 11:49:13
Source OeNB
lag 21 month
release calendar
as available