Prices, competitiveness

Selectable items

11501 Austria - Residential Property Price Index 2000=100 hedonic regr model Real estate price index
11602 Austria - Resid Property Price Index 00=100 hedonic regr model annch% Real estate price index
15428 CCI 15 - Construction costs total, residential buildings, 2015=100 Construction Cost Index
21217 CCI 20 - Basic primary construction total,residential buildings,20=100 Construction Cost Index
21221 CCI 20 - Construction costs total, residential buildings, 2020=100 Construction Cost Index
21319 ConstrPI 20 - Construction price index total, 2020=100 Construction Price Index
56 Consumer Prices - general index, annual change in %, years,
61 CPI00 - Consumer Prices - general index, 2000=100 Consumer prices
6157 CPI05 - Consumer Prices - general index, 2005=100 Consumer prices
10259 CPI10 - Consumer Prices - general index, 2010=100 Consumer prices
15420 CPI15 - Consumer Prices - general index, 2015=100 Selected Inflation Indicators#Consumer prices
21278 CPI20 - Consumer Prices - general index, 2020=100 Index Selected Inflation Indicators#Consumer prices
57 CPI66 - Consumer Prices - general index, 1966=100 Consumer prices
58 CPI76 - Consumer Prices - general index, 1976=100 Consumer prices
59 CPI86 - Consumer Prices - general index, 1986=100 Consumer prices
60 CPI96 - Consumer Prices - general index, 1996=100 Consumer prices
21321 CPI - general index and flash combined, annual change in % Consumer prices#Inflationrates
12760 Deflator, exports of goods and services, RY2015, annual change in % SNA Deflators
12796 Deflator, imports of goods and services, RY2015, annual change in % SNA Deflators
12809 Deflator, total final cons. expenditure, 2015=100, annual change in % SNA Deflators
12784 Deflator, total gross capital formation, 2015=100, annual change in % SNA Deflators
12823 Deflator, total gross fixed capital formation, 2015=100, ann.change % SNA Deflators
85 Exchange rate index for food at constant prices, 1Q99=100 Index of Austria’s Price Competitiveness
87 Exchange rate index for foreign trade - goods, real, 1Q99=100 Index of Austria’s Price Competitiveness
84 Exchange rate index for industrial goods at cons.prices, 1Q99=100 Index of Austria’s Price Competitiveness
86 Exchange rate index for raw materials at constant prices, 1Q99=100 Index of Austria’s Price Competitiveness
15440 Exchange rate index for services at constant prices, 1Q99=100 Index of Austria’s Price Competitiveness
83 Exchange rate index total at constant prices, 1Q99=100 Index of Austria’s Price Competitiveness
12766 GDP deflator (2015=100), annual change in % SNA Deflators
20049 HICP15, Electricity, gas and other fuels, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15423 HICP15 -Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20038 HICP15 - Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15416 HICP15 -Clothing and footwear, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20046 HICP15 - Clothing and footwear, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15409 HICP15 - Communication, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20042 HICP15 - Communication, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15419 HICP15 - Education, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20048 HICP15 - Education, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15429 HICP15 - EU harmonised index of consumer prices, 2015=100 Selected Inflation Indicators#EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20036 HICP15 - EU harmonised index of consumer prices, weight (1000) EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15399 HICP15 - EU harmonised index of CPI, annual change in %, 2015=100 EU harmonised index of consumer prices#Inflationrates
15407 HICP15 -Food and non-alcoholic beverages, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20044 HICP15 - Food and non-alcoholic beverages, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15427 HICP15-Furnish., household equip., mainten., inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20043 HICP15 - Furnishing, hh equipment, routine house mainten., weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15412 HICP15 - Health, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20050 HICP15 - Health, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15413 HICP15-Housing, water, electr, gas a.o.fuels, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20045 HICP15 - Housing, water, electricity, gas a other fuels, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15404 HICP15 - Miscellaneous goods, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20047 HICP15 - Miscellaneous goods and services, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15418 HICP15 - Recreation and culture, Inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20037 HICP15 - Recreation and culture, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15401 HICP15 - Restaurants and hotels, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20041 HICP15 - Restaurants and hotels, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
15402 HICP15 - Transport, inflation EU harmonised index of consumer prices
20040 HICP15 - Transport, weight EU harmonised index of consumer prices
3627 HWHWWI Commodities priceindex, excl. Energy, 2020=100,EUR-based for EA Commodity Prices
3626 HWWI Commodities priceindex, total, 2020 = 100, EUR-based for EA Commodity Prices
20325 Neg. wages, E water supply,severage,waste managem,remediat act,16=100 Negotiated Wages
20320 Neg.wages, O Public administration and defence, comp.soc.sec ,2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20333 Negotiated wages, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20316 Negotiated wages, blue collar workers, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20332 Negotiated wages, B Mining and quarrying, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20335 Negotiated wages, C Manufacturing, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20334 Negotiated wages, D Electricity,Gas,Steam, air cond. supply, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20324 Negotiated wages, F Construction, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20337 Negotiated wages, general index, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages#Selected Inflation Indicators
20256 Negotiated wages, general index, annual change in %
20327 Negotiated wages, G Trade, repair o.motor vehicles, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20326 Negotiated wages, H Transport and storage, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20329 Negotiated wages, I Accomodation and food service activities, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20328 Negotiated wages, J Information and Communication, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20331 Negotiated wages, K Financial and Insurance activities, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20330 Negotiated wages, L Real estate activities, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20318 Negotiated wages, M professional, scientific, technical activ. 16=100 Negotiated Wages
20317 Negotiated wages, N adminstrative and support service actvities 16=100 Negotiated Wages
20319 Negotiated wages, P Education, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20338 Negotiated wages, public sector, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20322 Negotiated wages, Q Human health and social work activities, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20321 Negotiated wages, R art, entertainment and recreation, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20323 Negotiated wages, S other service activities 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
20336 Negotiated wages, white collar workers, 2016=100 Negotiated Wages
27176 PPI 21 - Producer price index production, total market, 2021=100 Selected Inflation Indicators
3624 Price of crude oil, Brent Light, loco in USD Commodity Prices
3622 Price of crude oil, Crude Oil Arabian Gulf Dubai, loco in USD/BBL Commodity Prices
11579 Real estate pi, Austria, apartments total, 1Q2007=100 disc
11599 Real estate pi, Austria ,single-family houses, 1Q2007=100 disc
14979 Real estate pi, Austria (excl. Vienna),single-family houses, 2000=100 Real estate price index
14985 Real estate pi, Austria (excl Vienna), apartments total, 2000=100 Real estate price index
14986 Real estate pi, Austria (excl Vienna), new apartments, 2000=100 Real estate price index
71 Real estate price index, Austria (excl. Vienna), 2000=100 Real estate price index
11399 Real estate price index,Austria total 1Q2007=100 model estimation disc
73 Real estate price index, Vienna, 2000=100 Real estate price index
74 Real estate price index, Vienna, annual change in %, 2000=100 Real estate price index
14981 Real estate price index, Vienna, apartments total, 2000=100 Real estate price index
14983 Real estate price index, Vienna, new apartments, 2000=100 Real estate price index
21196 Wholesale Prices 2020 - general index, 2020=100 Selected Inflation Indicators

Selected items

Selectable items

1368 Change on the same period of the previous year in %
1366 Index
1365 Standard, in units

Selected items

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