Information for media representatives

Please note that we require media representatives seeking to attend events organized by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) or to access the OeNB’s premises to provide valid press credentials. Priority access will be given to holders of press badges issued by any of the following institutions (or to members of these institutions):

  • Österreichisches Kuratorium für Presseausweise
  • Verband Österreichischer Zeitungen
  • Österreichischer Zeitschriften- und Fachmedienverband
  • Trade union of journalists (under the umbrella of Austria’s trade union of private sector employees, printing, journalism and paper)
  • Syndikat der Pressefotografen, Pressebildagenturen und Filmreporter Österreichs

Individuals without press badges from any of the above institutions or other recognized press credentials will not be able to attend OeNB events.

At conferences in particular, attendance is subject to confirmed registration and seating availability.

We trust you understand our policies.