Deposit and lending rates – outstanding amounts

Publication schedule


This table shows interest rates Austrian MFIs apply vis-à-vis their customers for deposits and loans. Interest rates are shown for outstanding amounts, broken down by maturities and customer group. The rates correspond to the capital-weighted average interest rate applicable to the outstanding amounts of deposits and loans in the respective instrument category on the reporting date, applied to all contracts existing on the reporting date.



Definitions and terms:

Outstanding amounts, interest, interest rate, stratified sample, sample, annualized agreed rate.

Legal basis:

Community legislation, Article 44 Austrian Banking Act complementary to Community legislation, regulations of the Council of the European Union, ECB regulations.


Sample (stratified sample), monthly.

Reporting institutions:

Austrian MFIs.

Standards and codes:

Sectors according to ESA 2010.


Interest rate, interest, ECB interest rate statistics, interest rate statistics.