Statistics App
When you are on the move, this OeNB app will connect you with the OeNB’s comprehensive statistics content, including pertinent press releases, with just a few finger taps.

Simply install the app on your Android or iOS mobile device. While particularly tailored to smartphones, this app also runs on tablets.
Content and Functions Covered
The app puts statistical data from the following domains at your fingertips:
- OeNB, Eurosystem and monetary indicators
- Interest rates and exchange rates
- Financial institutions
- Securities
- Prices, competitiveness
- Economic and industry indicators
- Financial accounts
- External sector
- International comparisons
From these sections, select specific time series to be displayed as tables and charts. To narrow down results, filter the data by frequency and a given range. You can also look up explanatory notes and publication schedules.
Forward the data from the app to a contact or an e-mail address to access the selected time series on another end device, such as your office PC. Use bookmarks for quick and regular access to specific time series.
The app automatically suggests a list of the most frequently accessed time series, and integrated statistical press releases alert you to new developments.
Installing the App on Your Smartphone or Tablet

Go to the app store or market on your end device to locate and install the OeNB app or scan the QR code on this page.
Using a barcode scanner app users may download the OeNB app directly from the market.