Reinhard Koman
Research Section
Research interests
pension economics
social security wealth
Selected publications
Koman, R., Knell, M. (2022). Pension Entitlements and Net Wealth in Austria. OeNB Working Paper 238.
Koman, R., Felderer, B., Schuh, U. (2006). Investigating the Introduction of NDCs in Austria. In: Robert Holzmann and Edward Palmer (eds.), Pension Reform. Issues and Prospects for Non-Financial Defined Contribution (NDC) Schemes. The World Bank, Washington, D.C. 2006, pp. 519–549.
Koman, R., Hofer, H. (2006). Social Security and Retirement Incentives in Austria. In: Empirica, 5/2006, pp. 285–313.
Koman, R., Schuh, U., Weber, A. (2005). The Austrian Severance Pay Reform: Toward a Funded Pension Pillar. In: Empirica 3–4/2005, pp. 255–274.