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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Austria "

Private-Sector Credit in Central and Eastern Europe: New (Over)Shooting Stars? (PDF, 521 kB)

… economies for most of the period investigated in this paper. 21 Austria (AT), Australia (AU), Belgium (BE), Canada (CA), Denmark (DK), Finland (FI), Greece (GR), Ireland (IE), the Netherlands (NL), New …

Focus on European Economic Integration Q4/22 (PDF, 2,3 MB)

… Nationalbank Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna PO Box 61, 1011 Vienna, Austria Phone (+43-1) 40420-6666 Editors in chief Elisabeth Beckmann, Julia Wörz Associate editor Katharina …

What do people in CESEE think about public debt? (PDF, 822 kB)

… determinants of preferences for public debt consol- idation in Austria, using a survey conducted on 2,000 randomly selected voters in 2010. He investigates the relevance of several factors, including …