Aleksandra Riedl
Research SectionForschungsschwerpunkte
- financial stability
- household indebtedness
- labour markets and the macroeconomy
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Lehner, L., Ramskogler, P., Riedl, A. (2024). Beggaring Thy Co-Worker: Labor Market Dualization and the Wage Growth Slowdown in Europe. Industrial & Labor Relations Review (forthcoming).
Enzinger, M., Koch, M., Riedl, A. (2022). Financial vulnerabilities and debt at risk of CESEE borrowers: a cross-country analysis. Financial Stability Report 44, OeNB, 25–44.
Gächter, M., Gruber, A., Riedl, A. (2017). Wage divergence, business cycle co-movement and the currency union effect. Journal of Common Market Studies 55 (6), pp. 1322–1342.