Elisabeth Beckmann
Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe Section
- household finance
- dollarization (euroization)
- economics of transition
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Olbrich, L., Beckmann, E., Sakshaug, J. (2024). Multivariate assessment of interviewer-related errors in a cross-national economic survey, OeNB Working Paper 253.
Beckmann, E., Kiesl-Reiter, S. (2023). Financial literacy and financial wellbeing: Evidence from Eastern Europe in a high inflation environment. Journal of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing. 2023;1(2), 263–367.
Beckmann, E., Hainz, C., Kiesl-Reiter, S. (2022). Third-Party Loan Guarantees: Measuring Literacy and its Effect on Financial Decisions, OeNB Working Paper 237.
Backé, P., Beckmann, E. (2022). Euro adoption in CESEE: How do financial literacy and trust in institutions affect individuals' attitudes? Focus on European Economic Integration, Q1, 7-28.
Allinger, K., Beckmann, E. (2021). Use of loan moratoria by CESEE households: who are the users and how vulnerable are they? Focus on European Economic Integration Q3/21, 7–33.
Allinger, K., Beckmann, E. (2021). Prevalence and determinants of nonbank borrowing in CESEE: Evidence from the OeNB Euro Survey. Focus on European Economic Integration Q1/21, 7–35.
Beckmann, E., Reiter, S., Stix, H. (2018). A geographic perspective on banking in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Focus on European Economic Integration, Q1/18, 26–47
Beckmann, E., Stix, H. (2015). Foreign Currency Borrowing and Knowledge of Exchange Rate Risk, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 112, 1-16.
Beckmann, E., Fidrmuc, J. (2013). Exchange Rate Pass-Through in CIS Countries. Comparative Economic Studies, 25 April, doi:10.1057/ces.2013.8.