Helmut Elsinger

- auctions
- networks
- banking regulation
- statistical tests
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Abramova, S., Böhme, R., Elsinger, H., Stix, H., Summer, M. (2023). What can central bank digital currency designers learn from asking potential users? SOUPS '23: Proceedings of the Nineteenth USENIX Conference on Usable Privacy and Security, August 2023, 151–170.
Elsinger, H., Fessler, P., Kerbl, S., Schneider, A., Schürz, M., Wiesinger, S., Wuggenig M. (2022). Where have all the insolvencies gone? Monetary Policy and the Economy Q3/22, OeNB, 43–57.
Elsinger, H., Fessler, P., Kerbl, S., Schneider, A., Schürz, M., Wiesinger, S. (2021). Calm before the storm? Insolvencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Financial Stability Report 41, OeNB, 57–76.
Elsinger, H., Schmidt-Dengler, P., Zulehner, C. (2019). Competition in Treasury Auctions, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 11 (1), 157–184.
Dockner, E., Elsinger, H., Gaunersdorfer, A. (2018). The Strategic Role of Dividends and Debt in Markets with Imperfect Competition, Dynamic Games and Applications, 8 (3), 601–619.
Elsinger, H. (2013). Comment on: A non-parametric spatial independence test using symbolic entropy, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43 (5), 838–840.
Elsinger, H. (2013). Comment on: A new test for chaos and determinism based on symbolic dynamics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 91, 131–138.
Elsinger, H., Lehar, A., Summer, M. (2012). Network Models and Systemic Risk. In: J.P. Fouque and J. Langsam (eds), The Handbook of Systemic Risk. Cambridge University Press.
Elsinger, H., Lehar, A., Summer, M. (2006). Risk Assessment for Banking Systems, Management Science 52(9), 1301–1314.
Elsinger, H., Lehar, A., Summer, M. (2006). Using Market Information for Banking System Risk Assessment, International Journal of Central Banking 2(1), 137–165.
Boss, M., Elsinger, H., Summer, M., Thurner, S. (2004). Network Topology of the Interbank Market, Quantitative Finance, 4, 1–8.