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Jakob von Weizsäcker – Blue Bonds Reconstructed (PDF, 297 kB)

… debt should any participat- ing country be allowed to issue? In or- der for the system to be credible, the Blue debt should not exceed the limit generally deemed to be safe within the general framework …

Wolfgang Franz – Reforming Fiscal Policy Rules for the Euro Area (PDF, 215 kB)

… Council of Economic Experts (Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung). 2010. Jahresgutachten 2010/11. Chancen für einen stabilen Aufschwung. (Annual Report 2010 …

Olli Rehn – Keynote Address (PDF, 197 kB)

… double meaning, first “system” but second “being” – he wrote: “Der Zustand des Geldwesens eines Volkes ist ein Symptom aller seiner Zustände.” (“The condition of the mon- etary system of a nation …

Julie A. Nelson – The truth about “gender differences” in risk-taking (PDF, 366 kB)

… statistically detectable. Yet, the article claimed “a victory for gen- der difference” and suggested that female investors be paired with female invest- ment advisors because of women’s (sup- posedly) distinct …

Contributors (PDF, 172 kB)

… of the CESifo Research Networks; Managing Editor of Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik of the Verein für Sozialpolitik (Association of Economists in German Speaking Countries). His research interests …