Online Panel „Reglobalisation: Changing patterns“

Book Presentation „Schwerpunkt Außenwirtschaft 2021/2022“

The last two and a half years have reminded us how fragile the global political, economic and financial system is: successive waves of the Corona pandemic, constant ups and downs of economic activity, severe disruptions of global value chains, the brutal shock of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its economic consequences. All of this has triggered intense discussion about far-reaching and lasting impacts on the political, military, economic and financial world order. Global trade and economic interdependence are no longer seen as a guarantee for peace and against military conflict. On the contrary, the restriction of global trade and financial relations is used to sanction military aggression. While this is not new, the scale is unprecedented in modern history. As a result, global trade faces new challenges and Europe in particular faces the need to fundamentally rethink its energy supply and energy policy in general.

The workshop presents findings from the latest edition of “Schwerpunkt Außenwirtschaft”: The first part briefly addresses the current framework conditions for global trade as well as Austria’s foreign trade relations. The second part focuses on three major themes covered in this edition's focus "Reglobalisation: Changing patterns": First, the role of entrepreneurship: how are businesses dealing with major uncertainties in the global environment, including disruptions in global value chains? How will new technologies affect the future of global trade? How will new payment modalities affect global trade? What role should data protection play? How will services be affected? Second, what is the role of climate change and climate protection in shaping the future development of world trade? And finally, how do global trade flows change when the political landscape changes? What role do the "superpowers" USA and China play in shaping the future of global trade? And do the benefits of free trade still apply?

Friday, 24 June 2022
2:00 - 4:30 pm (CEST)
Online via Webex

Video of the book presentation

Schwerpunkt Außenwirtschaft 2021/2022 
Reglobalisation: Changing patterns